Trauma Bonding from the Hindi Movie ‘Darlings’
India’s leading Couples Therapist and Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo decodes the trauma bonding shown in Alia Bhatt’s latest movie “Darlings”
The recently released Hindi movie ‘Darlings’ explores trauma bonding and its aspects. What exactly is trauma bonding? Trauma bonding is the attachment an abused individual feels for their abuser, particularly, in a relationship having a cyclical pattern of abuse. The bond is formed because of a cycle of abuse and positive reinforcement.
We are exploring the seven stages of trauma bonding through the central characters Badri and Hamza.
The alcoholic husband, Hamza is a wife abuser and the homemaker wife Badru keeps believing, in a curdled mixture of hope and desperation, that one fine day he will change and they will have…
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