
The way you build physical muscles. Similarly, you build your mental muscles too. Good habits such as lifting weights will help you get stronger muscles. But giving up bad habits like eating too much junk food is the key if you really want to get a good body.

Though the exercises that build mental muscle are the same for both men and women, gender can play a big role when it comes to the countering the bad habits that can keep you stuck. It only takes one bad habit to hold you back from achieving your greatest potential.

Particularly in our country where the cultural expectations, societal norms and pressure, and the subtle differences in the way generally, the girls are raised are just some of the factors that put women to engage in these unhealthy habits.

Identifying your unhealthy habits is the first step in creating positive change.

In this article, Delhi’s eminent psychologist and marriage counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo shares mistakes mentally strong women do not make. Here, they are.

They Do Not Compare Themselves with Other People

Whether you’re looking at the social media photos of a celebrity’s holidays or you have heard about your friend’s appraisal, comparing yourself with others is tempting. But when every minute you spend comparing your life with other’s life is 60 seconds you aren’t paying attention to your goals.

They Don’t Strive On Perfection

Perfectionism has some ironic twist. It will make you experience such high levels of stress that your performance will actually become downgraded. Establishing high expectations for yourself is good but do not set the bar high enough which is impossible to reach.

They Don’t Look At Vulnerability as A Weakness

Your game approach definitely serves a purpose. It shows people you’re serious. But asking for…

Read Here: https://psychologist-counselor-delhi.blogspot.com/2019/07/mistakes-mentally-strong-women-do-not-make-by-best-psychologist-and-marriage-counsellor-Shivani-Misri-Sadhoo.html?fbclid=IwAR3W4rbxpJLSjaIbTq3DKVelLIQioPh9EJdOIRNHxJrSAT0Yg0DaWcaaByU



Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo
Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo

Written by Marriage Counselor Shivani Misri Sadhoo

is Delhi’s eminent Relationship and Marriage Counsellor. She heads Saarthi Counseling Services and work as the psychologist with Fortis & IBS Hospital

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